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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

In the framework of the collaboration with researchers at the university of Sevilla (Spain), Enrique Fernández-Nieto spent two weeks (weeks n. 13 and 41) at Inria. IPGP hosted several researchers who work with A. Mangeney: Pere Roig (PhD, Departamento de Geodinámica i Geofísica, University of Barcelona, Spain), Giulia Bossi (postdoc, ETH, Zürich), Andrea Wolter and Margherita Spreafico (permanent positions, ETH, Zürich).

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad

We also mention that M. Parisot spent one week (week n. 48) at the university of Toulouse (CERFACS).